

Mixten Genetics now on NamiComi (05/16/2024)

After spending way to much time on Twitter, I was made aware of another platform for hosting webcomics, NamiComi. I went through and added the back episodes of Mixten Genetics to the platform as, unlike Webtoon or Tapas, NamiComi has a section on the front page for "Recently Updated." I think that's awesome because that means I'll get a little promotion every time I post a new episode. Besides, it's not like it hurts to be even more widely available.

As I've added Mixten Genetics to the various other platforms, I've begun to question the point of also having it natively on my main site. I don't think it hurts, but I also think of the places one could read it, the main site is probably the least user friendly (with the exception of maybe DeviantArt). Part of that lies with the host I use and partially the fact that the various webtoon platform's image requirements don't translate great to my site. I may have to make some adjustments, but I'll keep brain storming on that. Again, I'd prefer to have the comic available across multiple platforms I just need to find a good common ground so all platforms can shine.

I will say, I REALLY like how NamiComi breaks up their arcs/volumes/etc. It's still in beta, but honestly, if I had known about it sooner it probably would have been the first outside platform I would have used. 

Saturday Streams (05/13/2024)

I'm getting back into my routine so I wanted to point out that means I'm streaming Saturday evenings at 7:30 pm EST on Twitch again. At the moment I'm alternating between gaming streams and art, but the eventual plan is to be mostly art. I'm still kind of learning how to optimize everything with my streaming and drawing software, but as I do I will shift more to drawing on Saturday nights.

Most recently, for May 4th I did an art stream when I drew myself a lightsaber. I noticed that, although OBS was running well, Krita was having issues detecting where my stylus was so I'd get some weird lines on occasion. I took a week off this week and just did a gaming stream, but my plan is to try drawing again this weekend. I have some projects I volunteered to do for some of my friends that I never actually completed so I'm going to try to double back and do a little of that, so long as my computer allows it. Once I am caught up, I may open up commissions that will be completed during a stream. I think that would be neat.

Get Help (05/10/2024)

The next episode is here! I tried to toy around with angles and close-ups this go around. I also made the panel frames more unique to the comic rather than just bland black lines. This is how I plan on doing things from now on. I think it gives it a unique vibe. I'll go back and fix the panel frames from the earlier pages someday, but it's not important right now. I want to keep moving on with the story.

My next plan of action starting this evening is to sketch out Episode 10. I'm going to get two more episodes out this month (fingers crossed) and then take a week off for Momocon... unless I get really into a groove. As it stands Chapter 1 will conclude in July and I want to keep to that schedule. I might even try condense the latter episodes of Chapter 1. The way my drafts are there is room to move dialogue around and restage the scene so I might not need as many panels as I've planned for. If that's the case, Chapter 1 may go from 19 episodes to more like 15. Either way, I don't want to cut any of the actual dialogue or events as I'm pretty locked in to how things play out.

Speaking of my drafts, Collective Scientist level Ko-Fi supporters have access to my drafts for Chapters 1 - 3. I had these Chapters available for early adopters late last year, but I've reopened them. That means with that membership you have access to early versions of Mixten Genetics Ch. 1 - 3 AND The Couch Goblin Ch. 1 -3!












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