Lovely and Lethal

I know… I know… when am I going to update the Mixten Genetics comic. I’m getting to it, I swear! I was working on it this weekend. I even posted an update to the WIP section of the Discord…

I have a good reason why I’m so far behind. I’ve mentioned it before and my Collective members on Ko-Fi already know… but I’ve been working on art for a museum installation most of the summer that focused on the dangerous side of fashion. The theme was sort of a “horror movie” take so I was asked to make movie posters for each section. I ended up designing nine movie posters! It took more of my time that I thought… and more importantly it took more of my energy. I thought I could balance work art and fun art easily…


Turns out there’s this thing called “Spoon Theory” that I just learned about this weekend. Basically, it comes down to someone with chronic pain (which I have… I won’t go into it) or disabilities having a limited amount of energy and daily tasks sometimes taking more than they would for someone else. Well, I had been grappling with the guilt of knowing I wasn’t working on Mixten Genetics but I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t motivate. Now it all makes sense. I thought back to all the work I put into the posters for the museum and how, even though I had planned on working when I got home, ended up just lazing around and coming up with excuses to be a lump…

I was mentally exhausted. Completely drained. I didn’t even play video games… or read… or anything. I’d get into a chair and just… exist.

That’s done though. The museum posters are up in the exhibit and I can move on. I mean, check these previews out! They’re so cool!


The toxic material was utilized in dyes that were marketed as “Paris Green.” The dyes would cause lesions on the skin and inhaling the vapors caused lung problems.

I was asked to focus more on the arsenic itself rather than focusing too much on a person, so I obscured the face of this character. Fun fact, the dress she’s wearing is actually based on one in the exhibit. Not fun fact, drawing tassels sucks.


Most people understand the “lethal” side of the fur trade. I decided to take it in a very sinister and murderous direction with this design.

I was partially inspired by a comment by a friend of mine. She said I should do something like the “possessed fur coat in Ghostbusters.” Immediately, I was like… yea, I’m doing that. Originally, I was just going to make the character mysteriously smirk… but then I drew the creepy smile on a whim. Much better design choice in my opinion.

Now that the exhibit is up I can share more of these designs with everyone as well as my inspirations behind each. I’ll drop a couple a week until they’re all explained. Keep an eye out each week in October for more of my beautifully deadly art alongside more of the Mixten Genetics content you crave!

Here’s what I have planned for October:

  • More “Lethal and Lovely” art shares

  • “Fourth Chimera” Part 5

  • Mixten Genetics updates, maybe just one page because…

  • Couch Goblin starts mid-October!

  • Research Notes for Olivia(?) and the Couch Goblin!

I had planned on posting Research Notes for Olivia sooner, but I pushed it back because I had wanted to get through her full transformation first, but I’ve decided to just break it up into two pages. After I finish the current comic update, I’ll go back and make notes for her up to this point in her transformation. I also hadn’t planned on posting a “Fourth Chimera” update in October, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t get inspired. It’s already good to go. I just need to do one more proof read to catch any typos.

After October, I’m basically going to have two comics running concurrently, so I will be alternating between the two stories. Ideally, I’d get out at least one page of each a month. If I do, then I’m treating myself to an entire pack of Halloween Oreos.


More Lovely Art


Post Con Wrap Up